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Klim's regional regenerative agriculture

Helping local farmers improve German soil health

GermanyRegenerative AgricultureRemoval & AvoidanceCounts towards net neutralityBuyer Protection
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Klim's regional regenerative agriculture
Klim's regional regenerative agriculture
Klim's regional regenerative agriculture

Developed byKlim GmbH


Farmers onboarded


German regions supported
brownCheckBadgeValidated by TÜV Rheinland
Germany has lost about 30% of fertile soil in the last 60 years. Klim’s projects help German farmers improve agricultural practices, leading to the removal and reduction of CO2 from the atmosphere, with the carbon being sequestered in the soil.

Companies choose the region in Germany that they want to support, while Klim manually selects the right farmers for each case. This way, companies know exactly who they are supporting and which measures are used, while also allowing companies to pay the farms a visit.

This project has been validated by the reputable TÜV Rheinland, and has quickly become one of the most sought-after, high-quality projects of its kind. Their methods are rooted in science, while their projects deliver co-benefits that will play a vital role in biodiversity preservation for decades to come.

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

Regenerative agriculture is a farming method that focuses on restoring and enhancing soil health by using practices like planting diverse crops together and reducing soil disturbance, such as heavy tilling. This approach helps the soil become richer in microbes, which in turn makes it more effective at capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By increasing biodiversity and fostering a healthy ecosystem in the soil, regenerative agriculture not only supports better crop yields but also contributes to long-term carbon storage, making the soil more "hungry" for CO2.

This method is gaining significant support from both scientific communities and major companies. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has recognised regenerative agriculture as an important practice for enhancing soil carbon storage and mitigating climate change. Companies like Unilever, Boston Consulting Group, and IBM have invested in regenerative agriculture initiatives, demonstrating strong corporate support for this sustainable farming practice.


Quantifying soil carbon sequestration from regenerative agriculture

Regenerative farming practices increase soil carbon sequestration; combining methods may enhance effects.

Increasing plant diversity and soil carbon sequestration

Regenerative agriculture promotes plant diversity, enhancing soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change.

Project Certifications and Claims

vcmi ci logo

VCMI Carbon Integrity

Klim’s scientifically validated soil improvement projects, which sequester carbon and enhance biodiversity, meet VCMI standards for Carbon Integrity claims.



Listed as “under development” on the VCS registry for Methodology validation under Verra's VCS VM0042 (project number: 3645).

TUV Rheinland

TÜV Rheinland

Klim’s regenerative agriculture methodologies for both reduction and removal credits have been TÜV-validated according to DIN ISO 14064.2.

Due Diligence

Senken conducts a strict due diligence process to select and onboard project developers, ensuring that only carbon credits of the highest quality make it to our customers' portfolios.


Socioeconomic Impact

Klim’s practices greatly decrease the need for land cultivation and erosion, increasing soil health and crop yields which leads to increased food security. The projects also greatly improve farmer welfare, with half of the income generated by carbon credits paid out to farmers.

Environmental Impact

At least 19% of Germany's agricultural land is affected by very high soil erosion. Klim’s practices help farmers to reduce erosion significantly, which reduces losses of habitat and the presence of invasive species. Since no new land is needed when applying Klim’s regenerative agricultural practices, this further reduces the need for more natural habitats to be cultivated for farming.
2. Zero Hunger
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life On Land

Senken's Take

Germany's soil crisis demands urgent action, with 30% of fertile soil lost in just six decades. Klim's innovative approach tackles this challenge head-on, partnering with farmers to implement regenerative agriculture practices. By enhancing soil health, these methods not only sequester carbon but also promise long-term benefits for biodiversity and agricultural sustainability.

The project's credibility is bolstered by its TÜV Rheinland validation and Klim's extensive agricultural expertise. With 3,500 farmers already onboarded, the platform offers transparent measurement and verification of regenerative practices, providing investors with confidence in the quality of their carbon removals.

Regenerative agriculture is gaining momentum globally, recognized by the IPCC and supported by major corporations. By focusing on soil health and ecosystem restoration, this project not only contributes to climate change mitigation but also aligns with cutting-edge sustainability practices, positioning it as a leader in the field of carbon removal and sustainable farming.
Locally implemented in Germany
Nature-based with premium quality

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